Home > Parish Council

Your Parish Council

There are nine Parish Councillors.


Nacton Parish Councillors

Brian Hunt - councillor.hunt.nactonpc@gmail.com Phone : 659711

Chairman of Parish Council, Finance Advisory Group and all Working Groups). Representative for community council.

Jos Leedercouncillor.leeder.nactonpc@gmail.com Phone : 659032

Member of finance advisory group and emergency plan and Victoria Field working groups

Paula Warner -  councillor.warner.nactonpc@gmail.com Phone : 65923

(Deputy Chairman) Village recorder and representative for Poor’s Field. Member of emergency plan and Victoria Field working group

Iain Hatfieldcouncillor.hatfield.nactonpc@gmail.com Phone : 07802 666506

Emma Wilsoncouncillor.wilson.nactonpc@gmail.com Phone : 659064

Angus Eaton - councillor.eaton.nactonpc@gmail.com  Phone: 07800 694831‬

Jane Mumford - councillor.mumford.nactonpc@gmail.com

Sally Baalhamcouncillor.baalham.nactonpc@gmail.com

Steve Goddencouncillor.godden.nactonpc@gmail.com  Phone:07930 643070


Your Parish Clerk is: - 

Clare Lucas clerk@nactonparishcouncil.gov.uk 


The Nacton Parish Council Responsible Financial Officer is: -

Brian Mansfield rfo.nactonpc@gmail.com


Nacton is in the Orwell and Villages Ward of East Suffolk District Council which is part of Suffolk County Council.   


County & District Councillors

The Councillors representing Nacton are: -

District Councillors 

 Orwell and Villages Ward  

Mike Ninnmey



Lee Reeves    
County Councillor

 Suffolk County Council

Patti Mulcahy

You can email her by clicking HERE




The Tree Warden is: - Andrew Williams